Unlock Your Unique Potential In 3 Simple Steps

And blow up your performance and fulfilment at work.

Are you a purpose-led entrepreneur or professional who wants to unlock your full potential and make a bigger impact in the world? Do you feel like you have untapped strengths and talents that you're not fully utilising in your work? If you answered yes, then this free Masterclass is for you!

By the end of this Masterclass, you will:

  • Gain clarity on your strengths and how to use them to achieve your goals so you can focus on what you excel at and what brings you the most joy.

  • Increase your confidence and self-awareness so you can be more assertive and make better decisions

  • Learn the tools that have helped me to create roles and do work that I love and have seen my level of engagement sore

  • Have the tools for you to make a more powerful impact in the world

Are you ready to learn how to leverage your strengths to get next-level results in your business or career and experience even more fulfilment?


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    What if you could identify your unique strengths and leverage them to achieve your goals? What if you could uncover your unique magic and stand out from the crowd? Imagine feeling confident and self-aware, knowing that you're using your strengths to achieve your goals and make a bigger impact.

    That's exactly what this free masterclass can help you do.

    Here are the juciy details:

    • Date: Thursday, 18th May

    • Time: 7:30-8:30 pm

    • Hosted online via Zoom

    • Replay available if you are unable to make it live


    HEY, I’M MYF.

    Hi! I’m Myf.

    Corporate training manager and results and leadership coach for purpose-led high-performers looking to take their results to the next level.  I've achieved results at the highest level across a variety of different areas and it is now my mission to support other to up-level their results and fulfilment in all areas of life.

    I believe that everyone has the potential, and deserves to, achieve epic results in their lives, and I want to help you do just that.